Title:Knapdale dye waistcoat
Date:Sep 1988
Original Size: 36 inch bust
Notes: During my City & Guilds, I spent some time attempting to work out what plants local to Knapdale could have been used to produced the Ancient Macmillan tartan, which is the area tartan. I ended up doing a range of dyebaths, trying out all the plants I could think of, and dyeing skeins of mixed yarns. This waistcoat uses many of the dyed yarns. The dark brown lines go right across the waistcoat, the individual lozenges each have yarns from a single dyebath, and they are knitted in short rows to give the shape. The border was knitted on my knitting machine. I didn't upload my photo of this when I set up the website - only found it when I was updating the website in 2017 - so it has been worn and washed - and the lichen purple, in the middle of the back has faded to dusty pink
Groups: Knapdale
Knitted garments
Original Artwork: Not available
Prints Available For: £0.0
Cards: £0.0
Postcards: £0.0